Egyptian differs greatly from Greek artwork. For instance when one examines a piece of Egyptian art they say symmetry. Take the sculpture on top it is a bust of an Egyptian queen. it was perfectly sculpted to show that one side of her face is equal to the other. Furthermore it can be seen that she s a women because of her risen cheek bones and her hat. We know this because Egyptian kings wore a different style of hat and also had a jewelry coming out from there chin. Furthermore when it comes to Egyptian art they do not fully revel nudity, in which the Greek do. Egyptian art also has various pretrials of half human and creatures, like a hawk and head on a human body. These kinds of art would symbolize Egyptian gods.
Greek artworks are very different then Egyptian art. For one thing Greeks at that time idealize the human body and showed the human body fully nude in most of their paintings and sculptures. Furthermore unlike Egyptian art they see the their gods and goddess as humans wielding great amounts of power. Like Zeus the god of thunder, when people visualize Zeus they see a strong older gentlemen wielding spear of lighting, which symbolizes his power. Also most of geek sculptures where created using lime stones or granite where as Egyptians sculptures used local rocks from the area
As one can see both Greek and Egyptian art differ in many ways but they still have lots in common. For instance they both uses sculptures as a way to view the human body and to idealize there gods. Furthermore mostly only the wealthy can have them self sculpted or painted. Also as with all art it was a way for them to express themselves and there believes.
OK, good. For future posts I suggest you describe the artwork you have chosen more in detail- i.e. size, narrative, symbolism, etc.