Late 18th and 19th Century Art
During the late 18th century it was a time when technology started to advance at a fast pace, during this time their was a lot of social changes that occurred, post Impressionism is an art form that came out during this time. This art form uses vivid colors to paint real life objects. Post impressionism differs form impressionism mainly because post impressionism uses unusual color and and unnatural geometric shapes. Some Artists of that time period are Paul Gauguin, Georges Seurat and Vincent Van Gogh. Almost all painting at this time painted were painted with oil paints. The painting on the left is called the "Starry Night". It was pained by Vincent Van Gogh in the 19th century. In this painting he uses a mixture of yellow, blue and back to paint geometric shapes to portray the night, a castle and a village below. 18th century art was called rococo, It first appered in the early 18th century in Paris. Racoco art was a more realist approach to art. The art work on the left was created by Jean Antoine Watteau. It showed a couple dancing while a man plays a guitar, the painting looks real and symbolizes an event. As you can see these are some art styles that were part of the late 18th and 19th century.,
Good example of Post Impressionism, but the 2nd style was supposed to be Impressionism, not Rococco...